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Wind | NCERT Solution | Class IX | English | CBSE

Writer's picture: Monotosh DeyMonotosh Dey

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Lesson Architecture:

NCERT Official Video on the poem 'Wind'


  • Subramanya Bharathi (December 11, 1882 - September 11, 1921) was a Tamil poet from Tamil Nadu, India, an independence fighter and iconoclastic reformer.

  • Known as Mahakavi Bharathi , he is celebrated as one of India's greatest poets.

  • His compositions helped rally the masses to support the Indian independence movement in South India.

  • Bharathi was a pioneer in introducing a new style of Tamil poetry and created a prose-poetic style known as the puthukkavithai (modern poems).


  • This poem describes the destructive power of the wind.

  • The wind is the symbol of difficulties or obstacles that humans have to face for their survival.

  • The weak people give up, but stronger people come out of bad phase of life.

  • The poem highlights the fact that we should be physically strong and mentally tough to survive the hardships of life.

  • We must make friendship with the destructive forces of the wind with our strength and determination.

Critical Commentary:

"Wind" is a poignant and evocative poem written by the celebrated Tamil poet Subramania Bharati. The poem, originally written in Tamil and translated into English, explores the power and symbolism of the wind, as well as its impact on various aspects of life.

One notable aspect of the poem is the vivid imagery employed by the poet. Bharati skillfully uses descriptive language to portray the actions of the wind, such as breaking doors, scattering papers, tearing book pages, and bringing rain. This imagery creates a sense of chaos and unpredictability, illustrating the force and turbulence associated with the wind.

The poet personifies the wind throughout the poem, treating it as a divine entity or a deity with its own intentions and actions. By addressing the wind directly, Bharati establishes a sense of dialogue and interaction, emphasizing the relationship between humans and the natural world.

Thematically, "Wind" explores the cyclical nature of life and change. The poet draws parallels between the wind and the various phases of existence, such as the transition from winter to spring. The wind becomes a symbol of transformation, representing the inevitability of change and the renewal it brings.

The poem also touches upon the theme of resilience and the human spirit. While acknowledging the destructive power of the wind, Bharati presents a contrasting perspective. The poet invites the wind to attack, preparing to face it head-on. This demonstrates the courage to confront challenges and the determination to overcome adversity.

Additionally, the poem reflects the poet's emotional response to the wind. There is a mixture of anger and humor in the poet's tone, revealing a complex and multifaceted attitude towards the wind's actions. This emotional range adds depth to the poem, showcasing the poet's nuanced understanding of the natural world and its impact on human existence.

In conclusion, "Wind" by Subramania Bharati is a compelling poem that explores the power and symbolism of the wind, its transformative nature, and its relationship with human life. Through vivid imagery, personification, and themes of resilience, the poem offers a thought-provoking reflection on the forces of nature and the human experience.

(Lines 1-4)

Wind, come softly.

Don’t break the shutters of the windows.

Don’t scatter the papers.

Don’t throw down the books on the shelf


  1. shutters: a pair of wooden or metal window covers.

  2. Scatter: to throw or drop things in different directions

Key Points

The Poet makes an appeal to the wind. He asks the wind not to break down the shutters of the windows.

He also asks the wind not to scatter the papers in his room, or to throw down the books from his bookshelves.

(Lines 5-7)

There, look what you did– you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books.

You brought rain again.


  1. threw : The wind has thrown everything down.

  2. tore the pages: The poet accuses the wind of tearing the pages of his books.

Key Points:

The poet tells the wind that it is he who is responsible for throwing all the books down from the bookshelves with his force.

The poet also accuses the wind of tearing pages out of those books as well.

(Lines 8-12)

You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,

crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,

crumbling hearts –

the wind god winnows and crushes them all


  1. poking fun at weaklings: The wind makes fun at weak people.

  2. Crumbling: to break or break something into very small pieces.

  3. rafter: one of the sloping pieces of wood that support the roof of a building.

  4. wind god winnows: The wind God blowing over someone’s life and leaving a trail of disasters behind.

Key Points

In these lines, the tone of the poet has once again undergone a change. While it is still accusatory, it has also become gentle to some extent.

The poet tells the wind that he makes mischief whenever he comes face to face with anyone who is too meek and mild to protest against his actions.

The wind can tear down the doors, the rafters, or entire wooden houses altogether.

The poet is talking about the wind blowing over someone’s life and leaving a trail of disasters behind.

The troubles we face in life come as suddenly as the wind, and also leave suddenly.

Lines 13-15:

He won’t do what you tell him.

So, come, let’s build strong homes,

Let’s join the doors firmly.


join the doors firmly: close the doors of our house firmly so that the wind cannot get into.

Key Points

• In these lines, the poet stops speaking to the wind, and starts speaking to his readers.

• He tells his readers that the wind does not listen to anybody, and that his actions are governed by him alone.

• Therefore, we cannot escape the ill effects of the wind by appealing to the wind like he has been doing.

• Instead, we should build our homes on a strong foundation, and ensure that our doors should not be weak or vulnerable to the wind.

• Metaphorically speaking, in order to protect us from the hardships of our lives, we should be physically and mentally strong.

(Lines 16-18)

Practise to firm the body.

Make the heart steadfast.

Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.


1. firm the body: We must train our bodies.

2. heart steadfast: We should be mentally strong.

Key Points

In these lines, the poet says that we must make ourselves strong, both physically and mentally.

We must train our bodies and our hearts to fight against and resist the ill effects of the wind.

If we are able to do this, then the poet thinks that we will no longer consider the wind an enemy. Instead the wind will invite us to become his friend, and we will be able to fearlessly accept his invitation.

(Lines 19-20)

The wind blows out weak fires.

He makes strong fires roar and flourish


1. roar and flourish : The wind makes all the things that are strong, flourish and grow to become stronger.

Key Points

In these lines, the poet describes how the wind has both bad effects and good effects.

In order to elucidate on the bad effects of the wind, he shows how the wind can blow out a fire if it is glowing with a weak force.

However, if the fire is burning strongly, then the wind will not blow it out, but makes it fiercer.

Thus the wind can nurture that which is already strong.

(Lines 21-23:

His friendship is good.

We praise him every day.

Wind, come softly.

Key Points

• In these lines, the poet comes to a conclusion after counting both the bad effects and the good effects of the wind.

• He says that if we are strong, then the wind is a good friend for us to have as he will increase our strength.

• He also says that we should sing our devotion to the wind god on a daily basis. Finally, he asks for the wind to come to him softly.

• He knows how the wind i.e. adversity or bad phase of our life can strengthen him. But as a precaution so that the wind does not cause damage to him, he asks the wind to come to him in a gentle manner.

Bonus Info: (Explanation of the Last Four Lines)

In these lines, the poet is describing the effects of the wind and expressing admiration for its qualities. Let's break it down in simpler terms:

1. The wind blows out weak fires: The poet suggests that when the wind blows, it can extinguish weak fires. This implies that the wind has the power to diminish or put an end to things that are feeble or lacking strength.

2. He makes strong fires roar and flourish: On the other hand, when the wind encounters strong fires, it causes them to roar and flourish. This means that the wind can enhance and intensify things that are already powerful or robust.

3. His friendship is good: Here, the poet personifies the wind and refers to it as a friend. By saying "his friendship is good," the poet implies that having the wind as a companion or ally is beneficial or advantageous.

4. We praise him every day: The poet expresses the act of praising the wind on a daily basis. This suggests that the wind is highly regarded and appreciated for its qualities and the positive impact it can have.

Overall, the lines convey a sense of admiration for the wind's ability to distinguish between weak and strong, enhance what is already powerful, and the positive influence it brings.


  • The wind blows violently and causes destruction.

  • The wind breaks the shutters of weak windows.

  • It scatters the papers and throws down books on the shelves.

  • The poet has regarded wind as God. He says that he makes fun of the weak persons and things.

  • The fast blowing wind destructs weak houses, weak doors and weak bodies.

  • The poet suggests us to build strong houses and strong doors. We must be healthy physically and mentally. It will help the wind to be friend with us.

  • To sum up the poem, people with strong physique and mind are able to stand and face odds or obstacles of life.

NCERT Solution:

1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza?


The wind breaks open the doors and windows. It blows around papers, making them fly all over the place. It even knocks down the books on the shelf. The wind is so strong that it tears the pages of the books. Additionally, it brings rain along with it.

2. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in your language, if you know them.)

Note: This is a subjective answer and will vary according to your experience and locale. However, a sample answer is given for your understanding.

Ans: Winnowing is a common agricultural practice used to separate grains from unwanted materials such as straws and dust.

In my village, I have seen women separating grains from unwanted materials like straws and dust. Winnowing helps to clean the grains and make them pure.

In our village, this winnowing process is called 'Barsana.' It's a way for people to make sure the grains they have are clean and ready to use.

3. What does the poet say the wind god 'winnows'?

In the poem the line "Wind god winnows" refers to the wind acting as a metaphorical winnowing process. Here, the poet is comparing the actions of the wind to the process of winnowing grains.

By using this metaphor, the poet highlights the transformative power of the wind. Just as winnowing separates the grain from impurities, the wind, as a divine force, has the ability to bring about change, remove obstacles, and purify the world.

Bonus Info: (Not a part of the answer) 
In winnowing, the purpose is to separate the grain from unwanted materials like straws and dust. Similarly, the poet suggests that the wind, like a winnowing process conducted by a god, sifts through the world, bringing about change and separating what is valuable from what is not.
In essence, the line "Wind god winnows" implies that the wind acts as a powerful force that purifies and transforms, separating what is essential from what is extraneous in the world.

4. What should we do to make friends with the wind?

The poet suggests to us that if we want to be friends with the wind, we should build sturdy houses and secure our doors properly. This means we should prepare ourselves to face the challenges and uncertainties that life brings.

By building strong houses and securing the doors firmly, we are metaphorically preparing ourselves to withstand the powerful forces of the wind. In the same way, in life, we should be mentally and emotionally strong to face the difficulties and obstacles that come our way.

Bonus Info: ( Not a part of the answer) 
The poet is suggesting that instead of being afraid of the wind or the challenges of life, we should be resilient and tough. By being strong and prepared, we can overcome obstacles and establish a harmonious relationship with the wind, symbolizing the various trials and tribulations that we encounter in life.
5. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?

The last four lines of the poem convey a message about determination, confidence, and success. The poet suggests that people who lack determination and confidence often face defeat in life. They may easily give up or be discouraged when faced with obstacles.

On the other hand, the poet emphasizes that those who set goals for themselves and make sincere efforts are not easily disturbed or deterred by hurdles. They have a strong sense of purpose and are willing to work hard to achieve their objectives.

6. How does the poet speak to the wind — in anger or with humour? You must also have seen or heard of the wind “crumbling lives”. What is your response to this? Is it like the poet’s?

Ans: The poet has a humorous conversation with the wind. The poet jokingly invites the wind to come and attack him, and the poet intends to prepare himself for that attack.

I have also witnessed the wind causing destruction without mercy. For example, cyclones and their devastating impact in Gujrat and Odisha. The power of the wind in a cyclone is responsible for causing widespread destruction. The strong winds can uproot trees, damage buildings, and infrastructure, and generate storm surges that result in coastal flooding.

My response to the power of the wind is more of a nightmarish than humorous in so far as its devastating impact is concerned unlike the poet who is at times light-hearted and humorous in his description of the wind.

7. The poem you have just read is originally in the Tamil. Do you know any such poems in your language?

Ans: Students are advised to do a research about poems of similar themes in their respective languages.

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