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For 2025 Board Exam
CBSE Competency Based Questions:

Reading CBQs: Reading Worksheet 3 | Class IX-X | CBSE

Writer's picture: Monotosh DeyMonotosh Dey

Solve the Competency Based Reading Worksheets

1.Happiness is like the sun; it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires. We have to scatter and dissolve these clouds to experience happiness. You don t have to create it, all you have to do is calm your mind, because when there is a quiet mind and inner peace, there is happiness. It is not something far away and unattainable and does not depend on circumstances, objects or events. Happiness is an inseparable part of our consciousness, of our essence, but hidden and covered from sight by our thoughts, desires, and worries.

2. The mind is always in a constant race from one thought to another, from one worry to another. It constantly moves from one object or task to another. This restlessness hides the happiness that is within you. It is like a choppy sea that hides the bottom. When the sea gets calm, you can see the bottom. In the same way, when the mind gets quiet, you sense the happiness that is within you.

3. You cannot see a treasure at the bottom of a stormy and muddy lake although it is there. However, when the wind stops, the water becomes still and the mud sinks, you can see the treasure. The treasure is there, whether you see it or not. So is happiness. It is always here, only hidden by thoughts, desires and worries.

4. You can experience more happiness in your life. Only your thoughts stand in your way of experiencing it. Next time you feel happy, stop for a moment and watch the state of your mind. You will be surprised to discover that it is calm, and there are almost no thoughts in your mind. Since the mind is not accustomed to stay in this peaceful state for long, it soon becomes active again, and the sense of happiness disappears.

5. Many people connect happiness to achievement of certain goals. This makes happiness a reward and not an emotion that must be felt. We forget that it is something that comes by looking inward rather than waiting for an external trigger. Once you start looking inwards, you will have to treat yourself as you would treat a valued friend. This will lead to happiness. Take time to appreciate yourself, your work and your accomplishments. Surround yourself with happy people and recall positive memories. It is important to recognise that you have the power to feel happy within you and with practice, it will be felt frequently.


Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below : 10x 1=10

(i) Why does the writer say that you have to scatter and dissolve these clouds to experience happiness ?

(a) Our thoughts and worries hide the true essence of our happiness.

(b) Our inner peace has to be dissolved to enhance true happiness.

(c) Our desires, thoughts and worries are a part of our consciousness and bring happiness.

(d) These clouds don't show us the real truth.

(ii) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below :

Happiness is like the sun, hidden by clouds of worry.

(a) Happiness is where there is a quiet mind and inner peace.

(b) Less work is like a breeze which brings happiness.

(c) The choppy sea hides the treasure of happiness.

(d) The wind blows and brings happiness.

(iii) Select the option that displays what the writer projects, with reference to the following : (Paragraph 1)

Happiness is not something far away and unattainable.

(a) doubt

(b) caution

(c) conviction

(d) denial

(iv) Select the phrase that states reference to the following reason (Paragraph 2) :



This restlessness hides the happiness within

(v) The writer compares the choppy sea hiding the bottom to _______________.

(vi) Based on your reading of the text, list two reasons why the writer says happiness is an inseparable part of our consciousness .

(a) ______________

(b) ______________

(vii) What connect does the writer draw out between the treasure that cannot be seen and happiness ? (Paragraph 3)

(viii) The writer says time you feel happy, stop for a moment and watch the state of your mind The state of your mind will be :

(a) resolute

(b) calm

(c) firm

(d) decisive

(ix) Supply one point to justify the following :

Connecting happiness to achievement of certain goals makes it a reward, not an emotion.

(x) Evaluate the inappropriate reason for having the power to feel happy to be within ourselves.

(a) recalling positive memories

(b) appreciating yourself

(c) achievement of certain goals

(d) looking inwards


Answer Key

(i) (a) Our thoughts and worries hide the true essence of our happiness.

(ii) (c)The choppy sea hides the treasure of happiness.

(iii) (c) conviction

(iv) mind in a constant race

(v) restlessness / worries /any other word with the same meaning (any one)

(vi) not something far away & unattainable/ does not depend on circumstances, objects or events/ hidden within us / any other reason from the text ( any two )

(vii) both are always there, only hidden by our thoughts/desires/worries

(viii) (b) calm

(ix) rewards are usually associated with goals and emotions are felt inwardly / happiness doesn’t need external triggers and is found within (any one)

(x) (c) achievement of certain goals


Reading Comprehension 2

1.There was a time when human interference was minimum, the number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation.

2. Due to the irrational use of natural and biotic resources of the Earth in the past, most of the wildlife has been destroyed beyond retrieval. According to an estimate, in India about 200 species of wild animals and birds have become extinct and another 2500 are on the verge of extinction. Some of them are black buck, chinkara, wolf, swamp deer, nilgai, Indian gazelle, antelope, tiger, rhinoceros, gir lion, crocodile, flamingo, pelican, bustard, white crane, grey heron, mountain quail, etc.

3. In India, the Government and NGOs are taking keen interest in protection of wildlife. The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, has several provisions for the conservation of wildlife. As many as 165 game sanctuaries and 21 national parks have been deployed to protect the natural habitat and wild animals. Apart from this, Wildlife Conservation Week is also celebrated from 1st to 7th October every year. But still there is a long way to go in this direction.

4. Preservation of wildlife does not mean a blanket protection to all faunal and floral species; rather it implies a proper, judicious control over the multiplication of plants and animals which interact together to provide a proper environment to man whose very existence is in peril today.

5. It is our urgent duty to protect the natural splendour of ecosystems and to evolve a system of coexistence with every living creature upon the Earth.

IUCN Red List Data about wild Life


Q. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below : 10 1=10

(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on the information in the passage.

The number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation.

(ii) Select the appropriate options to fill in the blanks. Most of the wildlife has been __________ beyond __________ due to the irrational use of natural resources on the Earth.

I. destroyed

II. retrieval

III. desertion

IV. build

V. revived

(a) I and II

(b) II and III

(c) III and IV

(d) IV and V

(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from the passage. Flowers : Garden : : __________ : Sanctuaries

(Clue : Just like flowers are in a garden, similarly _______ are in the sanctuaries.)

(iv) Select the correct option to complete the sentence. Judicious control over the multiplication of plants and animals which provide

(a) natural splendour of ecosystem

(b) proper environment to man

(c) blanket protection

(d) happy and comfortable living

(v) According to the graph, which is the most vulnerable animal species and the least vulnerable from the graph.

I. Birds II. Insects III. Fishes

IV. Reptiles V. Insects VI. Mammals VII. Molluscs

(a) I and II

(b) III and IV

(c) V and VI

(d) VI and VII

(vi) Fill in the blanks by selecting the correct option. The Wildlife Protection Policy has several provisions for __________ of wildlife.

(a) conservation

(b) safety

(c) habitation

(d) well being

(vii) Substitute the word extinction with one word similar in meaning from the passage. Many species are at the verge of extinction because of carelessness of human race.

(a) multiplying

(b) disappearance

(c) diseased

(d) poaching

(viii) List any two examples of Government and NGOs trying to protect the wildlife.

(ix) List one reason why the Government makes certain recommendations for protection of wild animals.

(x) Select the option that can be the best title for the passage.

(a) Wild Animals

(b) Sanctuaries

(c) Natural Resources

(d) Conservation of Wildlife


Answer Key

(i) less human interference / bare minimum human interferance

(ii) (a) I and II

(iii) wildlife/animals/fauna (any one)

(iv) (b) proper environment to man

(v) (b) III & IV Options are incorrectly placed. B is the closest.

(Printing error (Free mark to be awarded to each candidate who has attempted the question)

(vi) (a) conservation

(vii) (b) disappearance

(viii) The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, has several provisions for the conservation of wildlife /165 game sanctuaries and 21 national parks have been deployed / protecting the natural habitat and wild animals/ Wildlife Conservation Week is celebrated from 1st to 7th October every year (any two)

(ix) to protect the natural habitat and wild animals / to keep ecological balance (any one)

(x) (d) Conservation of wildlife


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