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For 2025 Board Exam
CBSE Competency Based Questions:

In the rat race of life, if not the Best, Be one of the Best.

CBQs Reading Worksheet 2 | CBSE Board | Solution Included

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

  • Read the passage paragraph wise and answer the questions accordingly.

  • Don't read the whole passage together.

Competency-Based Questions

Q1. Read the passage given below and choose the best alternative from the options that follow.

Mother In life, we generally come across various forms of relationships like father-son, husband-wife, love, friendship etc but the most dear and hearty relation of all is of a mother and her child. The bond of mother and child is the purest and holiest. Mother is next to GOD. She knows everything. A warm and affectionate touch of your mother will give you immense pleasure and you will feel as if you are in heaven.

The relationship of a mother and a child carries deep emotions and feelings within it and it is always nurtured by love, affection and care. She is the one who gives birth to the child, brings him up, supports him when he needs someone the most, guides him in taking right decisions, stands against crowd and favours her child if he is right, suffers a lot of pain from the time of birth of a child till he becomes adult but never expects anything in return. Whenever you feel sad and tensed, she will embrace you and all your worries will come to an end.

The most respectful and adorable person on this earth is “Mother”. Even if you fight with her, argue with her, pour you anger on her, she will forgive you for everything with a gentle smile on her face and without thinking for a second. Is there any relationship better than this relation where there is no ego, no fears, no hard feelings, just the feeling of love and affection? In today‟s world people get so much busy in their lives that they hardly find time for their mother, they don‟t even remember the things she has done for them to make their life smooth and comfortable. A person should always remember the efforts made by the mother for his betterment and should give utmost respect and care to his mother, as she really deserves it. He should let her mother know what she means to him and she will be the happiest person in this whole world.

We celebrate mother' s day once in a year but tell me, do we need any special day to show our gratitude to our mother who has devoted and sacrifice her whole life for us. We should make her feel that she means a lot to us each day, that will be true gift to her. If you really want to express your love for your mother, don‟t wait for long now and don‟t hesitate, go to her and give a hug and tell her “Mother, you are next to GOD, thanks for everything you have done for me. You are the best person on this whole earth and I really mean it; you have given your whole life for us and you deserve the best of everything. I love you mother”.

You can also express your feelings for your mother in a different way. You can take the help of poems and quotes, which will help you in expressing your feelings in a better way. Dedicate the poems to your mother and show your respect, affection and gratitude to her and you will see she will keep on smiling.

I. Select the option that best captures the central theme of the passage.

A. The importance of various relationships in life

B. The significance of expressing love and gratitude to one's mother

C. The challenges of maintaining a strong mother-child bond

D. The role of mothers in shaping their children's personalities

II. What is the author's perspective on the relationship between a mother and a child?

A. It is a bond characterized by conflicts and misunderstandings.

B. It is a one-sided relationship where the child does all the giving.

C. It is a pure and selfless bond nurtured by love and care.

D. It is a relationship built on expectations and demands.

III. Share evidence from the passage to support the idea that a mother's love is unconditional.

IV. Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description.

V. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the phrase "The most respectful and adorable person on this earth is 'Mother'."

A. The person who commands the most respect and adoration on Earth is 'Mother.'

B. The individual who deserves the highest regard and affection on this planet is 'Mother.'

C. The most honorable and endearing individual in the world is 'Mother.'

D. The individual with the most esteemed and cherished status in the world is 'Mother.'

VI. Explain, in about 40 words, the significance of expressing gratitude and love to one's mother beyond special occasions.

VII. In the context of the passage, what does the author suggest about the modern world's attitude towards mothers?

VIII. How does the following impact the reader's understanding of the passage's message?

"We celebrate mother's day once in a year but tell me, do we need any special day to show our gratitude to our mother who has devoted and sacrificed her whole life for us.''

IX. Read the five headlines (a)-(e) given below:






Identify the option that displays the headline/s that correspond with occurrences mentioned in the passage.

A. (a) and (c)

B. (b) and (e)

C. (a) and (d)

D. (c) and (e)

Answer Key

I. Answer: B. The significance of expressing love and gratitude to one's mother

II. Answer: C. It is a pure and selfless bond nurtured by love and care.

III. Answer: The passage mentions that even if someone fights, argues, or pours anger on their mother, she forgives everything with a gentle smile on her face without thinking for a second.

IV. a mother's love is portrayed as selfless, forgiving, and characterized by a lack of ego or hard feelings.

V. Answer: B. The individual who deserves the highest regard and affection on this planet is 'Mother.'

VI. Expressing gratitude and love to one's mother beyond special occasions reinforces the idea that her sacrifices and efforts are valued and acknowledged consistently, emphasizing the depth of the relationship.

VII. Answer: The author suggests that in today's busy world, people often neglect expressing gratitude and remembering the efforts made by their mothers, emphasizing the need for consistent appreciation.

VIII. This statement challenges the idea of limiting appreciation to a single day and encourages the reader to express gratitude more frequently.

IX. Answer: D. (c) and (e)
For Students of Classes 6 & 7

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the statements that follow with the help of given options.

(a) The most dear and hearty relation of all is the relationship of __________.

(i) father and son

(ii) husband and wife

(iii) mother and child

(iv) friendship and love

(b) This relationship carries__________

(i) worries

(ii) suffering

(iii) love for money

(iv) deep emotions and feelings

(c) This relation is devoid of__________

(i) ego and fear

(ii) love and affection

(iii) anger and hard feelings

(iv) (i) and (iii)

(d) Today‟s generation__________.

(i) is very busy in their lives

(ii) easily finds time for their mother

(iii) remembers the things she has done for them

(iv) shows respect and care for mother

(e) Do we need any special day to__________?

(i) show our anger

(ii) show our gratitude towards her

(iii) blame her

(iv) disobey her

(f) You can express your love towards your mother by__________.

(i) writing poems and quotes

(ii) showing respect

(iii) hugging her

(iv) all of the above

(g) The word from the passage which means the same as „gratitude‟ is__________.

(i) greatness

(ii) thankfulness

(iii) sacrifice

(iv) respect

Q2. Read the passage given below and choose the best alternative from the options that follow.


A child sitting under a tree prayed quietly to himself without anyone knowing – only the tree knew. The tree was several decades old, but it still stood straight and tall. The people in the village all knew that a while ago, this tree‟s bark was falling off and it was dying. But it was brought back to life by a short phrase that its caretaker said, and when other people asked the young girl how she healed the tree, the girl said with a sweet smile, “It‟s a secret”. Everyone was puzzled.

A few years later, the girl went to a faraway place to earn money for her little brother‟s school tuition. When the young girl returned. She saw how haggard the old tree had become, and she was sad. She again said a few words to the tree. The tree unexpectedly became its old self once again, tall and straight. The villagers praised it as they came and went. After another week, the girl had to leave again. Crying, the girl‟s mother said, “Daughter, your father and I have let you down.”The girl, also crying, said, “Don‟t speak that way. Can you summon my little brother?” “Of course I can.”

The sister said to her little brother, “This tree I give to you, when you look at it, it shall be the same as looking at me. Study hard, make me proud, and make mom and dad proud. You must safeguard the tree. I may be gone for 3-5 years. Take good care of mom and dad, and that will make me proud.” The little brother said, “Sister, I know I‟ll be industrious, and I‟II take good care of the tree.” Touching the tree last time, the girl turned and left. As each day passed, the boy grew up. During the day he studied and played beneath the tree, and at night, he sat against the tree and quietly prayed. After a few more months the boy ran to the top of a mountain and yelled out the words he‟d been wanting to say, “Sister, come home!”

A few years later, he suddenly learned some startling news. It was said that the sister had died saving a little girl‟s life. This had happened several years before, and the money that was sent to the village was sent by the little girl‟s mother, because this was the sister‟s final request before she died. People all say that good people go to heaven after they die. I think that girl is surely in heaven watching over her brother!


I. Select the option that best captures the central theme of the passage.

A. The power of nature in healing and guiding human lives

B. The bond between siblings and the impact of their actions

C. The importance of secrets and mystery in life

D. The role of trees in preserving memories and emotions

II. What significant change did the young girl bring about in the tree's condition, and how did she achieve it?

A. She made the tree taller by planting new seeds.

B. She revived the dying tree by saying a few words.

C. She pruned the tree's branches to improve its health.

D. She watered the tree regularly to keep it alive.

III. Share evidence from the passage that highlights the depth of the sibling bond between the girl and her little brother.

IV. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the phrase "Can you summon my little brother?"

A. Can you bring my little brother here?

B. Can you call for my little brother?

C. Can you scold my little brother?

D. Can you find my little brother?

V. Explain, in about 40 words, the symbolic significance of the tree in the story.

VI. In the context of the passage, what does the boy's act of yelling out "Sister, come home!" symbolize?

VII. How does the following impact the reader's perception of the passage's message?

"People all say that good people go to heaven after they die. I think that girl is surely in heaven watching over her brother!"

VIII. Read the five headlines (a)-(e) given below:






Identify the option that displays the headline/s that correspond with occurrences mentioned in the passage.

A. (a) and (d)

B. (b) and (c)

C. (a) and (e)

D. (c) and (d)

Answer Key

I. Answer: B. The bond between siblings and the impact of their actions

II. Answer: B. She revived the dying tree by saying a few words.

III. Answer: The girl entrusts the tree to her little brother, symbolizing that looking at the tree would be the same as looking at her. She also emphasizes the importance of taking care of their parents and studying hard.

IV. Answer: Answer: B. Can you call for my little brother?

V. The tree serves as a symbol of the girl's presence, guidance, and love for her little brother. It becomes a tangible connection between them and represents her wish for his growth and success.

VI. Answer: The boy's act symbolizes his deep longing for his sister's presence and his yearning for her return, demonstrating the enduring impact of their relationship.

VII. This statement reinforces the idea that the girl's selfless actions and love have left a lasting impact, suggesting a sense of comfort and guidance even after her passing.

VIII. Answer: A. (a) and (d)
Easy Questions for Std. 6 & 7

On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the statement that follow with the help of the given options.

(a) The dying tree was brought back to life by __________

(i) a child sitting under the tree

(ii) the people of the village

(iii) a short phrase that its caretaker said

(iv) an old tree

(b) The girl went to a faraway place to __________

(i) enjoy a picnic

(ii) to keep her secret

(iii) motivate the tree

(iv) to earn money

(c) When the young girl returned to her village, she found the tree __________

(i) in good shape

(ii) completely bare

(iii) in bad shape

(iv) reduced to a stump

(d) The girl summoned her little brother to __________

(i) look after the young tree

(ii) look after the old tree only

(iii) look after the parents only

(iv) look after the old tree and his parents

(e) The girl had died __________

(i) in a car accident

(ii) saving a little girl

(iii) while trying to cross the flooded river

(iv) of snake bite

Answer Key is available for download below.


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