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CBSE Competency Based Questions:

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CBQs Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1 | Board Exam 24

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

Reading Comprehension Worksheet for High School Students

Tips for Answering Questions Correctly
  • Don't read the whole passage together.

  • Read paragraph wise. For example, read paragraph 1 and try to find out the answers of the questions from Paragraph 1 and then read para 2 and so on....

  • Reading Paragraph-wise and attempting answers from each para will help you save your precious time in the exam/test.

  • Don't just copy the lines from the paragraphs while answering a question. You can copy basic words from the passage, but you are instructed to make the answer in your own words.

  • For a 1-mark question, write one or two sentences only.

  • Remember copying the sentences verbatim or blindly from the passage is not advisable and the examiner has the discretion to deduct some marks for this.

Competency-Based Reading Comprehension

Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation’s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries honour their respective independence day as a national holiday. On 15 August 1947 , India attained freedom from the British Rule. Every year, August 15 is celebrated as the Independence Day in India. This national festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country.

The Independence Day of any country is a moment of pride and glory. On this special occasion, rich tributes are paid to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives and fought to free their motherland from the clutches of the oppressors – British who ruled the country. The British had initially come for trade but gradually took over the total administration of the country.

At the strike of midnight of the August 15, 1947 ,India shook off the shackles of British Rule and became free. It was a night of celebration all over the country.

I. Select the option that best describes the emotions associated with Independence Day celebrations as described in the passage.

A. Sadness and sorrow

B. Regret and remorse

C. Joy and pride

D. Fear and apprehension

II. What event is being commemorated on Independence Day?

A. The end of a military occupation

B. The anniversary of a nation's assumption of statehood

C. The beginning of a colony

D. The end of a civil war

III. Share evidence from the passage, in about 40 words, to support the idea that Independence Day is a time to honor those who fought for freedom.

The passage mentions that on Independence Day, rich tributes are paid to freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives and fought against the British oppressors to free the country.

IV. Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description.

Based on the information in the passage, Independence Day is typically celebrated with enthusiasm and patriotism, as it marks a significant milestone in a nation's history.

V. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the expression, "shackles of British Rule."

A. Legacy of British Rule

B. Influence of British Rule

C. Chains of British Rule

D. Impact of British Rule

VI. Explain, in about 40 words, the historical significance of the date August 15, 1947, for India.

August 15, 1947, holds historical significance for India as it marks the day when India achieved freedom from British colonial rule after years of struggle and sacrifices by its citizens.

VII. In the context of the passage, why is Independence Day referred to as a "national festival"?

Independence Day is considered a national festival because it is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and serves as a unifying event that brings citizens together to commemorate their nation's freedom.

VIII. How does the following impact the reader's perception of Independence Day celebrations?

"At the strike of midnight of the August 15, 1947, India shook off the shackles of British Rule and became free."

This statement creates a powerful and vivid image of a momentous historical event—the exact moment when India gained independence. It emphasizes the significance of that instant in the country's history.

IX. Read the five headlines (a)-(e) given below:






Identify the option that displays the headline/s that correspond with occurrences mentioned in the passage.

A. (a) and (b)

B. (c) and (d)

C. (b) and (e)

D. (a) and (d)

Answer Key

I. C. Joy and pride

II. B. The anniversary of a nation's assumption of statehood

III. On Independence Day, rich tributes are paid to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives and fought against the British oppressors to free their motherland.

IV. Based on the information in the passage, Independence Day is typically celebrated with enthusiasm and patriotism, as it marks a significant milestone in a nation's history.

V. C. Chains of British Rule

VI. August 15, 1947, holds historical significance for India as it marks the day when India achieved freedom from British colonial rule after years of struggle and sacrifices by its citizens.

VII. Independence Day is considered a national festival because it is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and serves as a unifying event that brings citizens together to commemorate their nation's freedom.

VIII. This statement creates a powerful and vivid image of a momentous historical event—the exact moment when India gained independence. It emphasizes the significance of that instant in the country's history.

IX. D. (a) and (d)

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

By the time our delayed train reached and I disembarked with my father and baby Lavanya, it was well past midnight. It was cold, dark and foggy. My husband, Manas, who was to receive us , was nowhere in sight. Soon the platform became deserted.

Then, a burly man approached us and offered to carry our bags. He wasn't wearing the usual porter's red shirt and tag, and though I was wary, my father decided to hire him. Leaving Lavanya and me with the man, my father went to look for Manas. I took a closer look at the man and felt apprehensive. He was big hairy, his face was pock marked and his eyes looked bloodshot.

Just then Lavanya, who had been sleeping in my arms, awoke and turned to look at the porter. He gave a playful smile and held out his arms. I thought she'd start crying and held her closer. But she smiled back and twisted herself out of my arms into his.

Now I was really scared. What if he ran away with my baby ? He must have sensed my fear and , even before I reached out to take Lavanya back, he handed her to me. Turning around , he mumbled that though everyone was scared of him, my innocent baby had accepted him. His eyes had tears in them. I didn't know what to say.

At that moment,my father returned with Manas. The man picked up our bags and walked towards the cars park. As we followed him, I asked Manas to pay him a little extra. But, having put our luggage in the car, the man refused to take payment from us. Coming up to me,he placed his hand on my baby's head for a moment as if to say, ''God bless you !'' and walked away.


I. Select the option that best describes the initial emotion of the narrator upon disembarking from the train.

A. Excitement and anticipation

B. Anxiety and uncertainty

C. Relief and happiness

D. Indifference and boredom

II. What caused the narrator's apprehension when approached by the burly man?

A. The man's lack of a red shirt and tag

B. The man's playful smile

C. The man's offer to carry their bags

D. The man's pock-marked face and bloodshot eyes

III. Share evidence from the passage, in about 40 words, to support the idea that the narrator's baby, Lavanya, reacted positively to the porter.

IV. Complete the sentence appropriately with a characteristic or its description.

V. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the expression, "What if he ran away with my baby?"

A. What if he took my baby and left?

B. What if he played with my baby and left?

C. What if he made my baby cry and left?

D. What if he hugged my baby and left?

VI. Explain, in about 40 words, the reason behind the narrator's fear turning into appreciation for the burly porter.

VII. In the context of the passage, what is the significance of the porter placing his hand on the baby's head and uttering, "God bless you!"?

VIII. How does the following impact the reader's perception of the porter's character?

"His eyes had tears in them. I didn't know what to say."

IX. Read the five headlines (a)-(e) given below:






Identify the option that displays the headline/s that correspond with occurrences mentioned in the passage.

A. (a) and (b)

B. (c) and (e)

C. (b) and (d)

D. (a) and (c)

Answer Key

I. B. Anxiety and uncertainty

II. D. The man's pock-marked face and bloodshot eyes

III. When Lavanya awoke and saw the porter's playful smile, she smiled back and willingly moved into his arms, indicating a positive and friendly response.

IV. Based on the information in the passage, the narrator's initial apprehension toward the burly porter transforms into a mixture of fear and then appreciation for his kind-heartedness.

V. A. What if he took my baby and left?

VI. The burly porter's gentle behavior towards Lavanya, his playfulness, and handing the baby back when sensing the narrator's fear showcased his innocence and kindness, causing the narrator's fear to give way to appreciation.

VII. The gesture of placing his hand on the baby's head and uttering a blessing signifies the porter's goodwill and his genuine concern for the baby's well-being. It also reflects the porter's compassionate nature.

VIII. This statement reveals the emotional depth of the porter, showcasing his sensitivity and contrasting with his initial intimidating appearance, thus adding complexity to his character.

IX. B. (c) and (e)

Extra Questions for Std. VI & VII

(a) Choose the correct option to answer each question :

1. The author was apprehensive when a man approached her as :

(a) he was scary looking

(b) her father was not with her

(c) he was drunk and had bloodshot eyes

(d) her husband was nowhere in sight

2. The man refused payment because :

(a) the money offered was less

(b) he was not a porter

(c) he sensed the woman‟s fears and wanted to help her

(d) the baby had come to him

3. The man handed the baby back to the lady as :

(a) he feared the baby would start crying

(b) she reached out for the baby

(c) he realized that she was scared

(d) his eyes had suddenly filled up with tears

4. This incident made the author realize that one should :

(a) not be scared of strangers

(b) only take the services of a regular porter

(c) not allow strangers to handle their children

(d) not judge people by their appearance

5. ''Apprehensive‟ means :

(a) appreciative

(b) fearful

(c) happy

(d) sad

2 (b) Find words from the passage which mean the same as

(i) get off

(ii) speak unclearly


Q3. Read the poem carefully answer the questions that follow:

Where the mind is without fear and

The head is held high ;

Where knowledge is free ;

Where the world has not been broken up

into fragments by narrow domestic walls ;

Where words come out from the depth of truth,

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection ;

Where the clear stream of reason has

not lost its way into the dreary desert

sand of dead habit;

Where the mind is led forward by

Thee into ever-widening thought and action-

Into that heaven of freedom, my

Father, let my country awake.

Rabindranath Tagore

I. Select the option that best captures the central theme of the passage.

A. Overcoming adversity and challenges

B. Freedom from fear and narrow boundaries

C. The power of knowledge and reason

D. Celebrating cultural diversity

II. What is the significance of the phrase "Where the mind is without fear"?

A. It describes a mind that is fearless and brave.

B. It emphasizes the importance of intellectual growth.

C. It symbolizes a state of freedom and openness.

D. It suggests a mind filled with doubt and hesitation.

III. Share evidence from the passage to support the idea that the author envisions a society without divisions.

IV. Select the option that is similar in meaning to the phrase "tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection."

A. Continuous effort extends toward excellence.

B. Relentless pursuit reaches absolute success.

C. Unwavering endeavor leads to perfect results.

D. Exhaustive work extends toward ultimate achievement.

V. Explain, in about 40 words, the significance of the phrase "the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit."

VI. In the context of the passage, why does the author use the metaphor of "heaven of freedom"?

VII. How does the following impact the reader's understanding of the passage's message?

"Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever-widening thought and action."

VIIII. Read the five headlines (a)-(e) given below:






Identify the option that displays the headline/s that correspond with occurrences mentioned in the passage.

A. (a) and (c)

B. (b) and (e)

C. (c) and (d)

D. (a) and (b)

Answer Key

I.  B. Freedom from fear and narrow boundaries
II. Answer: C. It symbolizes a state of freedom and openness.
III. Answer: The phrase "Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls" indicates the author's vision of a united and undivided world.
IV.  Answer: A. Continuous effort extends toward excellence.
V. The phrase highlights the importance of keeping rational thinking free from stagnation caused by unchanging routines and habits, ensuring that the flow of reasoning remains vibrant and purposeful.
VI. Answer: The metaphor of "heaven of freedom" represents the author's ideal vision of a perfect and liberated society.
VII. This phrase emphasizes the role of divine guidance in driving the mind towards progressive and inclusive thinking and action, reinforcing the theme of openness and growth.
VIII. Answer: B. (b) and (e)
More Questions for Std. VI & VII

(Qs.) On the basis of your reading of the poem, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options given below.

(a) ''The head held high'' means one is __________ .

(i) full of arrogance

(ii) having self-respect and dignity

(iii) has a painful neck

(b) ''domestic walls‟ stands for __________ .

(i) wall of bricks and cement

ii) the wall of anger and hate

(iii) the wall of regional and religious differences

(iv) the wall of isolation

(c) Where words come out from the __________ .

(i) depth of logic

(ii) depth of truth

(ii) analysis

(iv) happiness

(d) We can achieve ''perfection'' by __________ .

(i) tired efforts

(ii) tireless cribbing

(iii) tireless striving

(iv) tiring efforts

(e) Where ''clear stream of season‟ has not lost its way to

(i) dead logic

(ii) unreasonable people

(iii) dead habit

(iv) uneasy efforts

(f) The poet wants the mind to be led forward by God into __________ .

(i) ever growing prosperity and abundance

(ii) ever shrinking logic and knowledge

(iii) ever living happiness and love

(iv) ever widening thought and action

(g) The opposite for the word “sleep” is __________ .

(i) acknowledge

(ii) accept

(iii) awake

(iv) embark

For the answer key, Please Click Here


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