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How To Tell Wild Animals | Poem Explanation with CBE & Extract Qs

Writer's picture: Monotosh DeyMonotosh Dey

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

Stanza-Wise Explanation with Hindi Translation of Class 10 English Poem with NCERT Solution and CBE Questions-Answers

Lesson Architecture

Author Information:

  • Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American author and poet known for her contributions to various literary genres, including mystery novels, children's literature, and poetry.

  • She was born on June 18, 1862, in Rahway, New Jersey.

  • Wells began writing at a young age and published her first book of poetry, "The Jingle Book," in 1899.

  • She went on to write numerous novels, short stories, and poems throughout her career, gaining recognition for her versatility as a writer.

  • Wells is perhaps best known for her contributions to mystery and detective fiction. She created the character of Fleming Stone, a detective who appeared in several of her novels, including "The Clue" (1909) and "The Gold Bag" (1911).

  • Her mystery novels were popular during the "Golden Age of Detective Fiction" and featured clever puzzles and engaging plots.

  • In addition to her work in the mystery genre, Wells also wrote extensively for children. She authored numerous children's books, including the "Patty Fairfield" series and the "Marjorie Maynard" series, which were well-received for their engaging stories and relatable characters.

  • Throughout her career, Carolyn Wells wrote over 170 books and contributed to various magazines and periodicals.

  • She was known for her wit, humor, and ability to write in multiple genres. Her writing appealed to a wide audience, ranging from children to adult readers.

  • Carolyn Wells passed away on March 26, 1942, in New York City, leaving behind a rich and diverse body of work that continues to entertain and delight readers to this day.


  • The theme of Carolyn Wells' poem "How to Tell Wild Animals" is humor and playful observation.

  • The poem takes a lighthearted approach to describing various wild animals and offers comical instructions on how to identify them based on their characteristics and behaviors.

  • The primary focus of the poem is not to provide factual information about the animals but rather to entertain and amuse the reader with imaginative descriptions and witty wordplay.

  • Through its humorous tone and exaggerated imagery, the poem invites readers to engage their imagination and enjoy the whimsical nature of the animal descriptions.

  • The theme of humor is evident in the clever wordplay, unexpected twists, and humorous situations presented in each stanza.

  • Carolyn Wells uses comical observations and unexpected associations to create a light and entertaining atmosphere throughout the poem.

  • The poem does not delve deeply into the actual habits or traits of the animals it describes. Instead, it aims to entertain readers through its amusing take on how one might distinguish and interact with these creatures in a humorous and fantastical way.

  • The theme of humor in "How to Tell Wild Animals" makes it a light-hearted and enjoyable piece of poetry.

  • Furthermore, the poem can be seen as a celebration of the diversity and uniqueness of the animal world.

  • Each stanza focuses on a different animal, showcasing its distinct characteristics in an entertaining and memorable way.

  • This celebration of diversity and the wonder of the natural world adds an underlying theme of appreciation and fascination for the animal kingdom.

  • Overall, the poem combines humor, imagination, and a sense of wonder to create a playful exploration of how we perceive and understand wild animals.

  • It invites readers to embrace their creativity, engage their imagination, and find delight in the imaginative descriptions and amusing situations presented throughout the poem.

कैरोलिन वेल्स की कविता "हाउ टू टेल वाइल्ड एनिमल्स" का विषय हास्य और चंचल अवलोकन है। कविता विभिन्न जंगली जानवरों का वर्णन करने के लिए एक हल्का-फुल्का दृष्टिकोण अपनाती है और उनकी विशेषताओं और व्यवहार के आधार पर उन्हें कैसे पहचाना जाए, इस पर हास्यपूर्ण निर्देश देती है। कविता का प्राथमिक फोकस जानवरों के बारे में तथ्यात्मक जानकारी प्रदान करना नहीं है, बल्कि कल्पनाशील विवरण और मजाकिया शब्दों के साथ पाठक का मनोरंजन करना है। अपने विनोदी लहजे और अतिरंजित कल्पना के माध्यम से, कविता पाठकों को अपनी कल्पना को संलग्न करने और जानवरों के वर्णन की सनकी प्रकृति का आनंद लेने के लिए आमंत्रित करती है। हास्य का विषय प्रत्येक छंद में प्रस्तुत चतुर शब्दों के खेल, अप्रत्याशित मोड़ और हास्य स्थितियों में स्पष्ट है। कैरोलिन वेल्स पूरी कविता में एक हल्का और मनोरंजक माहौल बनाने के लिए हास्यपूर्ण टिप्पणियों और अप्रत्याशित संघों का उपयोग करती हैं।
कविता उन जानवरों की वास्तविक आदतों या लक्षणों का गहराई से वर्णन नहीं करती है जिनका वह वर्णन करती है। इसके बजाय, इसका उद्देश्य अपने मनोरंजक दृष्टिकोण के माध्यम से पाठकों का मनोरंजन करना है कि कैसे कोई इन प्राणियों को विनोदी और काल्पनिक तरीके से अलग कर सकता है और उनके साथ बातचीत कर सकता है।  "हाउ टू टेल वाइल्ड एनिमल्स" में हास्य का विषय इसे एक हल्की-फुल्की और मनोरंजक कविता बनाता है।
इसके अलावा, कविता को पशु जगत की विविधता और विशिष्टता के उत्सव के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। प्रत्येक छंद एक अलग जानवर पर केंद्रित है, जो मनोरंजक और यादगार तरीके से अपनी विशिष्ट विशेषताओं को प्रदर्शित करता है।
विविधता और प्राकृतिक दुनिया के आश्चर्य का यह उत्सव पशु साम्राज्य के लिए प्रशंसा और आकर्षण का एक अंतर्निहित विषय जोड़ता है। कुल मिलाकर, कविता हास्य, कल्पना और आश्चर्य की भावना को जोड़ती है ताकि हम जंगली जानवरों को कैसे देखते और समझते हैं, इसका एक मनोरंजक अन्वेषण तैयार किया जा सके। यह पाठकों को उनकी रचनात्मकता को अपनाने, अपनी कल्पना को संलग्न करने और पूरी कविता में प्रस्तुत कल्पनाशील विवरणों और मनोरंजक स्थितियों में आनंद लेने के लिए आमंत्रित करता है।

Stanza-wise Information:

Lines 1-6

"If ever you should go by chance

To jungles in the east;

And if there should to you advance

A large and tawny beast,

If he roars at you as you’re dyin’

You’ll know it is the Asian Lion..."


in the east :

Refers to the geographical direction, specifically the eastern regions. The poem mentions going to jungles in the east, setting the location of the encounter with wild animals.


Describes a light brown or yellowish-brown color. The poem mentions a large and tawny beast, indicating the coloration of the animal.


A colloquial abbreviation of "dying." The poem humorously suggests that if the large beast roars at you as you're dyin', it is the Asian Lion, playing with the rhyming and adding a playful twist.


These lines set the scene of someone visiting jungles in the East and encountering a large, tawny beast. The poem humorously suggests that if this beast roars at you when you're in a dire situation, you'll know it is the Asian Lion. The tone is playful, implying that the Asian Lion is known for its roaring and intimidating nature.

Lines 7-12

"Or if some time when roaming round,

A noble wild beast greets you,

With black stripes on a yellow ground,

Just notice if he eats you.

This simple rule may help you learn

The Bengal Tiger to discern."


A noble wild beast:

The phrase "noble wild beast" in the poem is used to emphasize the grandeur and dignity of the particular creature being described. It adds a touch of reverence and majesty to the encounter with the animal. By using the term "noble," the poet elevates the wild beast to a higher status, suggesting that it possesses noble qualities or a regal presence.

Paraphrase :

The poem employs a playful and humorous tone throughout, and the use of "noble wild beast" adds to the whimsical nature of the verses. It creates a contrast between the wildness and untamed nature of the animal and the notion of nobility, which is typically associated with refinement and grace. This juxtaposition adds an element of surprise and amusement for the reader.;.

Overall, the phrase "noble wild beast" contributes to the imaginative and fanciful character of the poem, enhancing the enjoyment of the reader as they engage with the descriptions of the various wild animals.

Here, the poem introduces the Bengal Tiger, a wild beast with black stripes on a yellow coat. The humorous advice is that if you encounter this creature, you can determine whether it is a Bengal Tiger by observing whether it tries to eat you. The tongue-in-cheek suggestion emphasizes the ferocious nature of the tiger, albeit in an exaggerated manner.

कविता पूरी तरह से एक चंचल और विनोदी स्वर का उपयोग करती है, और "महान जंगली जानवर" का उपयोग छंद की सनकी प्रकृति को जोड़ता है। यह जानवर की जंगलीपन और अदम्य प्रकृति और कुलीनता की धारणा के बीच एक विरोधाभास पैदा करता है, जो आम तौर पर परिष्कार और अनुग्रह से जुड़ा होता है। यह मेल पाठक के लिए आश्चर्य और मनोरंजन का तत्व जोड़ता है।;

कुल मिलाकर, वाक्यांश "महान जंगली जानवर" कविता के कल्पनाशील और काल्पनिक चरित्र में योगदान देता है, जिससे पाठक का आनंद बढ़ जाता है क्योंकि वे विभिन्न जंगली जानवरों के वर्णन के साथ जुड़ते हैं।

यहाँ, कविता बंगाल टाइगर का परिचय देती है, जो पीले कोट पर काली धारियों वाला एक जंगली जानवर है। हास्यप्रद सलाह यह है कि यदि आपका सामना इस जीव से होता है, तो आप यह देखकर निर्धारित कर सकते हैं कि यह बंगाल टाइगर है या नहीं, यह आपको खाने की कोशिश करता है या नहीं। चुटीले अंदाज में दिया गया सुझाव बाघ के क्रूर स्वभाव पर जोर देता है, भले ही अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण तरीके से।

Lines 13-18

"If strolling forth, a beast you view,

Whose hide with spots is peppered,

As soon as he has leapt on you,

You’ll know it is the Leopard.

’Twill do no good to roar with pain,

He’ll only lep and lep again."


strolling forth:

Refers to walking in a leisurely or relaxed manner. The poem mentions strolling forth and encountering a beast with spotted hide, indicating a casual and unexpected encounter.

Whose hide with spots is peppered :

Refers to something being scattered or covered with small particles or marks. The poem uses the term to describe the spotted pattern on the hide of the leopard. Hide refers to animal skin.

’Twill do no good to roar with pain:

The line serves to highlight the futility of trying to scare away or intimidate certain wild animals through vocalization. It adds a touch of humor to the poem, as it humorously suggests that the animal, in this case, the leopard, will simply continue to "lep and lep again" regardless of the person's roaring. The line also underscores the helplessness or vulnerability of the person in the face of the wild animal's natural instincts and behavior. Overall, the line "'Twill do no good to roar with pain" contributes to the playful and whimsical nature of the poem, while also conveying a subtle message about the realities of encountering wild animals and the need for caution and respect in such situations.

lep and lep:

The use of "lep" instead of "leap" is a poetic choice made to enhance the rhyme and rhythm of the poem and to add an element of playfulness and creativity.


In these lines, the poem describes the Leopard. The advice given is that if you see a beast with a spotted hide and it immediately pounces on you, you'll know it is the Leopard. The humor lies in the wordplay between "lep" (meaning to jump) and "leopard," suggesting that the Leopard will continue leaping even if you try to scare it away.

इन पंक्तियों में कविता तेंदुए का वर्णन करती है। दी गई सलाह यह है कि यदि आप धब्बेदार खाल वाला कोई जानवर देखते हैं और वह तुरंत आप पर झपटता है, तो आपको पता चल जाएगा कि यह तेंदुआ है। हास्य "लेप" (जिसका अर्थ है कूदना) और "तेंदुए" के बीच शब्दों के खेल में निहित है, जो बताता है कि तेंदुआ छलांग लगाना जारी रखेगा, भले ही आप उसे डराने की कोशिश करें।

Lines 19-24

"If when you’re walking round your yard

You meet a creature there,

Who hugs you very, very hard,

Be sure it is a Bear.

If you have any doubts, I guess

He’ll give you just one more caress."


Who hugs you very, very hard:

  • By using the word "hugs" to describe the bear's actions, the poet adds a touch of irony and humor.

  • While a bear's physical contact may be seen as an aggressive or dangerous act, the poem presents it in a comical and affectionate manner, suggesting that the bear's embrace is similar to a hug.

  • The phrase "hugs you very, very hard" presents a humorous and unexpected twist on the encounter with a bear, turning a potentially fearful situation into a comical one. It adds to the playful tone of the poem and contributes to the overall enjoyment of the reader.


These lines humorously introduce the Bear. The description is that if you encounter a creature in your yard that hugs you tightly, you can be certain it is a Bear. While a bear's physical contact may be seen as an aggressive or dangerous act, the poem presents it in a comical and affectionate manner, suggesting that the bear's embrace is similar to a hug. The phrase "hugs you very, very hard" presents a humorous and unexpected twist on the encounter with a bear, turning a potentially fearful situation into a comical one. It adds to the playful tone of the poem and contributes to the overall enjoyment of the reader.

ये पंक्तियाँ भालू का विनोदपूर्वक परिचय कराती हैं। विवरण यह है कि यदि आप अपने आँगन में किसी ऐसे प्राणी से मिलते हैं जो आपको कसकर गले लगाता है, तो आप निश्चित हो सकते हैं कि यह एक भालू है। जबकि भालू के शारीरिक संपर्क को एक आक्रामक या खतरनाक कृत्य के रूप में देखा जा सकता है, कविता इसे हास्यपूर्ण और स्नेही तरीके से प्रस्तुत करती है, यह सुझाव देती है कि भालू का आलिंगन गले लगाने के समान है। वाक्यांश "आपको बहुत, बहुत जोर से गले लगाता है" एक भालू के साथ मुठभेड़ पर एक विनोदी और अप्रत्याशित मोड़ प्रस्तुत करता है, जो संभावित रूप से डरावनी स्थिति को हास्यपूर्ण स्थिति में बदल देता है। यह कविता के चंचल स्वर को जोड़ता है और पाठक के समग्र आनंद में योगदान देता है।

Lines 25-30

"Though to distinguish beasts of prey

A novice might nonplus,

The Crocodile you always may

Tell from the Hyena thus:

Hyenas come with merry smiles;

But if they weep they’re Crocodiles."


A novice might nonplus:

The phrase "novice might nonplus" means that a person who is inexperienced or unfamiliar with identifying wild animals might feel perplexed or confused when trying to differentiate between them.

The Crocodile you always may /Tell from the Hyena thus :

  • There is a clear distinction between a crocodile and a hyena, and one can differentiate between them by observing their behavior.

  • The lines suggest that while both animals may look similar or be easily mistaken for one another, their behavior sets them apart.

  • The lines emphasize the importance of observing not just the physical appearance but also the behavior of animals when trying to identify them. It reminds us that animals have unique characteristics and behaviors that can aid in distinguishing one species from another.


These lines compare the Crocodile and the Hyena. The poem suggests that distinguishing between the two may be confusing for a novice. However, there is a distinguishing feature: Hyenas are known for their merry smiles, while Crocodiles are known to weep. The humorous twist lies in the reversal of expectations, as we usually associate crying with sadness rather than crocodiles.

ये पंक्तियाँ मगरमच्छ और लकड़बग्घे की तुलना करती हैं। कविता बताती है कि दोनों के बीच अंतर करना एक नौसिखिए के लिए भ्रमित करने वाला हो सकता है। हालाँकि, एक विशिष्ट विशेषता है: लकड़बग्घे अपनी प्रसन्न मुस्कान के लिए जाने जाते हैं, जबकि मगरमच्छ रोने के लिए जाने जाते हैं। हास्यप्रद मोड़ उम्मीदों के उलट होने में निहित है, क्योंकि हम आम तौर पर रोने को मगरमच्छ के बजाय दुख से जोड़ते हैं।

Lines 31-36

"The true Chameleon is small,

A lizard sort of thing;

He hasn’t any ears at all,

And not a single wing.

If there is nothing on the tree,

’Tis the chameleon you see."


And not a single wing.

  • By stating "And not a single wing," the poet emphasizes that the chameleon does not possess any wings. This serves as a distinguishing feature, as many other creatures, such as birds and insects, have wings.

’Tis the chameleon you see."

  • The line implies that chameleons have the remarkable ability to blend into their surroundings and camouflage themselves.

  • In the context of the poem, the line suggests that if you look closely at a tree and see no visible creature, it is likely that a chameleon is present, expertly blending in with its surroundings.

  • This reinforces the idea that chameleons are masters of disguise and can go unnoticed unless carefully observed.


These lines describe the Chameleon. The poem explains that the Chameleon is a small lizard-like creature without ears or wings. The humorous suggestion is that if you see nothing on a tree, it's because the Chameleon has blended in perfectly with its surroundings, showcasing its ability to change color and camouflage. This reinforces the idea that chameleons are masters of disguise and can go unnoticed unless carefully observed.

ये पंक्तियाँ गिरगिट का वर्णन करती हैं। कविता बताती है कि गिरगिट बिना कान या पंख वाला एक छोटा छिपकली जैसा प्राणी है। हास्यप्रद सुझाव यह है कि यदि आप किसी पेड़ पर कुछ भी नहीं देखते हैं, तो इसका कारण यह है कि गिरगिट अपने परिवेश के साथ पूरी तरह से घुलमिल गया है, रंग बदलने और छलावरण करने की अपनी क्षमता का प्रदर्शन करता है। यह इस विचार को पुष्ट करता है कि गिरगिट भेष बदलने में माहिर होते हैं और जब तक ध्यान से न देखा जाए, वे किसी का ध्यान नहीं जा सकते।

Thinking about the Poem ( NCERT Solution)

1. Does 'dyin', really rhyme with 'lion'? Can you say it in such a way that In the poem, the poet uses elision and poetic licence to make words it does?

Ans: In the poem, the poet employs a technique called elision, which involves omitting certain sounds or letters in words to create a desired rhyme scheme. In the specific example given, the word "dyin'" is used instead of "dying." The regular pronunciation of "dying" does not rhyme with the word "lion." However, by using the elided form "dyin'," the poet creates a rhyme with "lion" by altering the pronunciation of the latter. When pronounced differently, "lion" and "dyin'" share enough phonetic similarity to create a rhyme in the context of the poem.

Bonus Information ( Not a part of above answer)
This use of poetic license allows the poet to manipulate the language in order to maintain the rhyme scheme and rhythmic flow of the poem. It adds a playful and creative element to the composition, showcasing the poet's skill in crafting verses that are both aesthetically pleasing and cohesive in terms of sound.
2. How does the poet suggest that you identify the lion and the tiger? When can you do so, according to him?

The poem begins by suggesting that if we find ourselves in the eastern jungles and a large, tawny beast approaches us, it is most likely an Asian lion. The use of the term "tawny" emphasizes the light brown or yellowish-brown color of the lion's fur.

Moving on, the poem introduces the tiger, describing it as a "noble, wild" beast. The term "noble" implies grandeur and dignity, elevating the status of the tiger. The poem mentions the tiger's characteristic black stripes on its yellow fur, which is a distinct visual feature of this animal. The playful exaggeration is that the tiger will not only roar but also attempt to eat the reader, further highlighting its predatory nature in a humorous way.

3. Do you think the words 'lept' and 'lep' in the third stanza are spelt correctly? Why does the poet spell them like this?

No, in the poem, there is a deliberate use of misspelled words such as 'lept' and 'lep' instead of their correct spellings 'leapt' and 'leap'.

This intentional misspelling is done to maintain the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem. By using these misspelled words, the poet creates a rhyme with the first part of 'leopard', which adds to the overall musicality and flow of the poem. This repetition of the similar sound emphasizes the ferocity and agility of the leopard, enhancing the vividness of the description.

4. Do you know what a 'bearhug' is? It's a friendly and strong hug - such as bears are thought to give, as they attack you! Again, hyenas are thought to laugh, and crocodiles to weep ('crocodile tears') as they swallow their victims. Are there similar expressions and popular ideas about wild animals in your own language(s)?

The concept of a "bearhug" as a strong and friendly embrace, like that of a bear, can be expressed in Hindi as "भालू जैसा गले लगाना" . This phrase literally means "to hug tightly like a bear" and conveys the idea of a warm and powerful embrace.

The expression "crocodile tears," which refers to insincere or fake tears, can be expressed in Hindi as "मगर के आंसू" . This phrase translates to "tears of a crocodile" and is used to describe someone shedding tears while pretending to be sympathetic or remorseful.

5. Look at the line 'A novice might nonplus'. How would you write this correctly'? Why is the poet's 'incorrect' line better in the poem?

In the poem, the line "A novice might nonplus" could be corrected to "A novice might be nonplussed" to adhere to standard grammar. However, the poet deliberately chose to use the incorrect form to maintain the rhyme scheme of the poem. The word "nonplus" in the poet's line rhymes with the word "thus," adding to the musicality and rhythm of the poem. Despite being grammatically incorrect, the poet prioritized the overall aesthetic and poetic flow by maintaining the rhyme scheme, resulting in a more cohesive and harmonious composition.

6.Can you find other examples of poets taking liberties with language, either in English or in your own language(s)? Can you find examples of humorous poems in your own language(s)?


(a) The ostrich roams the great Sahara.

Its mouth is wide,

its neck is narra.

It has such long and lofty legs,

I'm glad it sits to lay its eggs.

"The Ostrich' by Ogden Nash

(b) The wasp and all his numerous family

I look upon as a major calamity.

He throws open his nest with prodigality,

But I distrust his waspitality.

‘The Wasp’ by Ogden Nash

(c) One tall midget reached up high,

Touched the ground above the sky,

Tied his loafers, licked his tongue,

And told about the bee he stung.

‘Rainibow Soup: Adventures in Poetry' by Brian P. Cleary

Extra Questions

Answer the following in 30-40 words.

1. What is the difference between an Asian lion and a Bengal tiger?

The poem distinguishes between the Asian lion and the Bengal tiger based on their physical characteristics and behavior. The Asian lion is known for its roaring, while the Bengal tiger is associated with its spotted hide and leaping behavior. These distinctions contribute to the playful and whimsical nature of the poem, offering entertaining and imaginative ways to identify these wild animals.

3. How do we differentiate between a leopard and a tiger?

The poem differentiates between a leopard and a tiger based on their physical characteristics and behaviors. The leopard is characterized by its spotted hide and leaping behavior, while the tiger is identified by its black stripes on a yellow coat and its tendency to try to eat you. These distinctions add to the playful and whimsical tone of the poem, providing imaginative ways to identify these wild animals.

4. Are there any similarities between a hyena and a crocodile?

No, they are quite dissimilar. The poem humorously suggests that hyenas are known for their laughter, while crocodiles are associated with weeping or shedding crocodile tears. It's important to note that these similarities are specific to the imaginative and playful nature of the poem.

In reality, hyenas and crocodiles have distinct behaviors and characteristics that set them apart. hyenas are mammals known for their distinctive laughter-like cries, while crocodiles are reptiles with a reputation for the metaphorical concept of "crocodile tears."

5. Compare the behaviour of a hyena and a crocodile.

The poem suggests that hyenas have a behavior associated with laughter. They are depicted as creatures that laugh or make sounds resembling human laughter. This portrayal adds a whimsical and humorous element to the poem.

On the other hand, the poem portrays crocodiles with a behavior associated with weeping or shedding tears creating a sense of irony. These behaviors contribute to the playful and imaginative nature of the poem, as well as the popular ideas and associations with these animals in literature and folklore.

6. How does the poet describe a chameleon?

The poem suggests that the chameleon is a small creature resembling a lizard. It mentions that the chameleon does not have ears or wings, highlighting its physical characteristics. The poem emphasizes the remarkable ability of the chameleon to blend into its surroundings. It suggests that if you closely observe a tree and see no visible creature, it is likely that a chameleon is present. The description highlights the chameleon's distinctive physical traits and its fascinating ability to adapt and hide within its surroundings.

CBE-Based Questions

  1. Why do you think the poet chose to use playful and humorous language in the poem?

  2. How does the use of poetic devices such as rhyme and rhythm contribute to the overall effect of the poem?

  3. What is the poet's message about wild animals and our interactions with them?

  4. How does the poem challenge common stereotypes or perceptions about wild animals?

  5. What is the significance of the poet's decision to include both physical and behavioral characteristics of wild animals in the poem?

  6. How does the use of humor in the poem contribute to its overall impact and effectiveness?

  7. Discuss the role of cultural and literary references in the poem. How do they enhance the reader's experience?

  8. How does the poem challenge traditional notions of categorizing animals and their characteristics?

  9. Explore the role of language and wordplay in the poem. How does it contribute to the poem's tone and effectiveness?

  10. Explore the theme of human-animal interactions in the poem. How does the poet portray the relationship between humans and wild animals?

  11. Discuss the cultural and ecological significance of the wild animals mentioned in the poem. How do they symbolize certain qualities or represent their respective habitats?

Sample Answers will be uploaded soon. 

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