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For 2025 Board Exam
CBSE Competency Based Questions:

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

Writer's picture: Monotosh DeyMonotosh Dey

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

Lesson Architecture


Updated on April 10 , 2024

Background Information/Source of the Poem

  • The poem is believed to have been inspired by Canto 32 of "Inferno", the first part of Italian poet Dante Alighieri’s epic poem ‘the Divine Comedy. The nine lines of 'Fire and Ice' echo the nine circles of hell depicted in Inferno.

  • Dante's Inferno is the first part of the epic poem "The Divine Comedy" written by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the early 14th century. The poem begins with Dante's descent into Hell, where he encounters various sinners who are punished according to the nature of their sins.

  • The ninth and deepest circle of hell in Dante's "Inferno" is a frozen lake called Cocytus, in which traitors and betrayers are punished. The souls of the traitors are submerged in ice, with only their faces above the surface, while those who betrayed their own kind are plunged even deeper, with their heads completely encased in ice. The punishment of being frozen in ice represents the coldness and lack of love and compassion that these sinners showed in their lives.

  • The punishment of being submerged in ice in the deepest circle of hell in "Inferno" is also reflected in the line from "Fire and Ice" that reads "Some say the world will end in fire, / Some say in ice." The pairing of fire and ice in Frost's poem suggests that both desire (fire) and hate (ice) have the potential to destroy the world. The use of this imagery allows Frost to explore the themes of destruction and human behavior in a vivid and memorable way.

  • Another possible source of inspiration for "Fire and Ice" was a conversation between Robert Frost and astronomer Harlow Shapley. When Frost asked Shapley how the world would end, Shapley responded that it could either be incinerated after the sun exploded, or freeze in deep space if the Earth managed to survive the explosion.

  • This conversation seems to have influenced Frost's poem, as it also considers the potential end of the world through the contrasting forces of fire and ice. Frost's use of these opposing elements reflects the scientific understanding of the time, that the end of the world could be caused by a catastrophic event such as a supernova or a freeze in deep space.

Scientific Theories on the possibilities of destruction of Earth

  • There are various scientific theories about how the planet Earth could be destroyed, highlighting the fragility of human life and the planet we inhabit. The first scenario mentioned is the cooling down of the Earth's molten core, which could lead to the loss of our atmosphere and protection from solar winds, potentially turning Earth into a barren, Mars-like planet.

  • The sun itself could eventually die and expand, causing Earth's incineration, or the expansion could push Earth out of orbit, causing it to freeze to death. Let me explain the concept a little further.

  • As a star, the sun has a lifespan. After a few billion years, it will run out of fuel and undergo a series of changes before it eventually dies. One of the stages in this process is called the red giant phase, during which the sun will expand greatly in size and become much hotter.

  • If the sun expands enough during this phase, it will engulf the Earth, burning it to a crisp and leaving no trace of life. This is what is meant by "Earth's incineration."

  • On the other hand, it is also possible that the expansion of the sun may push Earth out of its current orbit, making it move further away from the sun. As a result, the Earth will be subjected to freezing temperatures, causing all forms of life to die out. This is what is meant by "Earth will freeze to death".

Bonus Info: 
Other Possibilities of the End of Earth 
  • There are other possibilities as well, like the possibility of solar storms triggering geomagnetic storms that could take out our electricity, leading to a widespread power outage.

  • Pandemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic that the world is currently facing, are another potential threat that could cause global deaths.

  • There is also a possibility of Earth being hit by asteroids or a rogue planet, which could lead to its destruction or being shoved out of orbit or the solar system. Global warming is also mentioned as a threat that could lead to a variety of inhospitable changes, such as severe drought, epidemics, famine, and natural disasters.

  • Nuclear war can also be a real and potentially devastating threat, with the power to wipe out all of humanity.

  • Overpopulation is another factor that could overtax the planet's resources and lead to mass starvation.



  • In this poem, the poet refers to two predictions of how the world will end.

  • Some say it will end in fire while others say it will end in ice.

  • According to the poet ‘fire’ stands for desire, greed, avarice or lust. The more you try to satisfy them, the more they grow. They spread rapidly like fire and engulf your whole life.

  • On the other hand, ‘ice’ according to the poet, stands for hatred, coldness and rigidity. One becomes insensitive and indifferent towards the feelings of others.

  • The poet says that both fire and ice are growing with such a rapid speed that the world would soon perish either way, in fire or in ice.

Line-Wise Explanation

Lines 1-4

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.


1. I’ve tasted of desire: The poet thinks that fire which symbolically means ‘desire’ or Greed will perish the world.

2. Hold with those: Here it means that the poet supports the view of those people who favour fire.


# The poet suggests two possible causes for the end of the world.

# On one side of the debate are those people who are in favour of fire.

# On the other hand are those who favour ice which will freeze the world.

# Symbolically speaking, ‘fire’ in the poem also means desire, greed or lust, which will cause destruction to the earth.

# Ice on the other hand, symbolically stands for hatred, selfishness or indifference for one another is equally capable of destroying this world.

Lines 5-8

But if it had to perish twice,

I think, I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.


1. perish – die

2. suffice – be sufficient


# If the world had to end for the second time, ice which is symbolic of hatred and indifference among human beings, is sufficient to cause destruction to the world.

# ‘Fire’ which is symbolic of greed, desire and lust, can cause destruction of the world.

# On the other hand, the Ice, which is hatred, indifference and jealousy can equally cause the destruction of the world.


  • The poet suggest two possible causes to the end of the world.

  • Fire and Ice can equally cause destruction of the world.

  • Fire in physical sense means rise in global temperature , which will end the world. Metaphorically, ‘Fire’ means desire, greed and lust.

  • Ice literally means melting of glaciers and snowy mountains, which can equally destroy the world.

  • Metaphorically speaking, Ice represents hatred, indifference and jealousy among human beings that can also contribute to the end of the world.

  • The world has become so materialistic that people have become greedy and selfish and indifferent to the needs of others. Hence destruction is inevitable.


  • "Fire and Ice" is a famous poem written by Robert Frost. It consists of a concise structure and explores the theme of destruction, specifically concerning how the world might end.

  • The poem delves into the nature of human emotions and desires, using fire and ice as symbols to represent two opposing forces.

  • The message of the poem revolves around the destructive capacities of both desire and hatred.

  • Through the imagery of fire and ice, Frost contemplates how these powerful forces can bring about the end of the world. Here's a breakdown of the message:

1. Destructive Power of Desire (Fire): Fire represents desire, passion, and the intense emotions that can consume individuals and societies. It signifies a burning need, an uncontrollable and impulsive force that drives people to pursue their wants relentlessly. In the poem, Frost suggests that desire has the potential to lead to destruction, as it consumes everything in its path.

2. Destructive Power of Hatred (Ice): Ice symbolizes hatred, coldness, and indifference. It represents the absence of warmth, compassion, and human connection. Hatred can freeze relationships, extinguish love, and create a sense of apathy and isolation. Frost implies that hatred, when allowed to persist, can also bring about destruction and ruin.

3. Choosing between Desire and Hatred: The poem poses a question about how the world will come to an end. Frost presents two opposing viewpoints: fire and ice. He contemplates whether desire or hatred, or perhaps both, will be the cause of humanity's downfall. By presenting these two destructive forces, Frost prompts readers to reflect on their own experiences with passion and anger, and how these emotions can lead to negative consequences.

4. Human Nature: Ultimately, the poem suggests that it is human nature, with its capacity for desire and hatred, that has the potential to destroy the world. Frost's use of fire and ice as contrasting elements highlights the inherent duality of human emotions. It serves as a reminder that while desire and passion can ignite progress and creativity, they can also unleash chaos and destruction when left unchecked. Similarly, the presence of hatred and coldness can erode relationships and breed conflict.

In summary, "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost conveys the message that both desire and hatred have the potential to lead to destruction. Through the vivid imagery of fire and ice, the poem explores the inherent dangers of unchecked emotions and serves as a reminder of the delicate balance required to maintain harmony in the world.

Poetic Devices used in the Poem

  • Symbolism: Fire symbolizes human desires whereas ice symbolizes hatred and indifference.

  • Alliteration: Some say the world will end in fire.

  • Imagery: Fire forms image of heat and light, but also burning and pain. Ice also forms image of coldness, but also indifference and intolerance.

  • Rhyme Scheme: abaa ababa

1. Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words or syllables, such as in the lines:

- "Some say the world will end in fire,"

- "From what I've tasted of desire."

2. Repetition: The deliberate repetition of words or phrases for emphasis, as seen in the repetition of the word "fire" in the first line of the poem.

3. Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds in neighboring words or syllables, for example:

- "To say that for destruction ice" (repetition of the "ay" sound)

- "Would suffice" (repetition of the "i" sound)

4. Metaphor: The poem uses fire and ice as metaphors to represent desire and hatred, respectively. Metaphors create imagery and allow readers to engage with abstract concepts through concrete and familiar objects.

5. Personification: The poem personifies fire and ice, attributing human qualities to these elements. For instance, fire is described as having the power to "consume" and ice as having the power to "kill."

6. Rhyme: The poem follows an ABAABCBC rhyme scheme, where the last word of most lines rhymes with another line. The rhyme scheme contributes to the poem's structure and musicality.

7. Imagery: Frost uses vivid and sensory language to create visual and experiential images. For example, "fire" invokes images of flames and heat, while "ice" evokes a sense of coldness and frost.

8. Paradox: The poem presents a paradoxical statement, suggesting that both fire and ice have the potential to bring about the end of the world. This creates a thought-provoking and contradictory idea within the poem.

9. Understatement: Frost's use of concise language and brevity contributes to understatement, allowing the weight of the message to be conveyed in a simple yet impactful manner.

For Detailed podcast of the poem, Click Here

NCERT Solution

Thinking about the Poem (Page 15)

Q1. There are many ideas about how the world will ‘end’. Do you think the world will end some day? Have you ever thought what would happen if the sun got so hot it burst or grew colder and colder?

Ans: The world will certainly end someday. According to the poet, the world will end either in fire or in ice. The craze for power and possessing weapons of mass destruction and the way glaciers are melting and the surge in global warming is not a positive indication for the ailing earth.

Change in climate resulting out of deforestation, industrialization, carbon footprints, global warming can certainly cause havoc to our mother earth.

Q2. For Frost, what do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for?

Ans: According to Frost , ‘fire’ stands for greed, desire, conflict and fury. Greed gives rise to conflict, which in turn, destroys the society. On the other hand, ‘ice’ stands for intolerance, indifference, hatred and insensitivity. Indifference and hatred in the minds of human beings also breed intolerance and cruelty, which ultimately spells disaster for human kind.

Q3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? How does it help in bringing out the contrasting ideas in the poem?

The rhyme scheme of the poem is a, b, a, a, b, c, b, c, b.

The two sets of varied rhyme scheme present the contrasting ideas. The poet says that the world would end one day either by fire or by ice. Both are capable of igniting enough heat that can end the world. Not only does the greed, desire represented by fire, but also intolerance and enmity among human beings represented by ice can equally contribute to the depletion of our society.

CBE-Based Questions

Category 1 ( MCQ)

1. Choose the CORRECT statement about the given poem.

a) Fire and ice are images—they help the readers visualise the power of nature over man.

b) Fire and ice are symbols—not of natural disasters, but of humanity’s ability to create disasters of its own.

c) Fire and ice are elements—not of Nature but man-made and possess the ability to create havoc for mankind.

d) Fire and ice are agents—they change the thinking of mankind from negative to positive and bring harmony.


b) Fire and ice are symbols—not of natural disasters, but of humanity’s ability to create disasters of its own.

2. Select the option that correctly classifies the connotations for fire and ice, as suggested in the poem.

(1) rage (2) violence (3) indifference (4) hate (5) greed

a) Fire- 3,4; Ice- 1,2,5

b) Fire- 2, 5; Ice-1,3,4

c) Fire-1,3,5; Ice- 2, 4

d) Fire- 1,2,4; Ice- 3,5


d) Fire- 1,2,4; Ice- 3,5

3. The poem is a _________, put across by the poet.

a) powerful warning

b) heart-felt apology

c) earnest appeal

d) vengeful threat


a) powerful warning

4. Pick the option that is NOT TRUE about the poet according to the extract.

The poet

a) is inclined to believe that the world would most likely end with fire.

b) has heard divided opinions about the way the world would end in all likelihood.

c) preaches love and kindness to combat the spread of hate among all.

d) declares the power of ice to be as destructive as that of fire.


c) preaches love and kindness to combat the spread of hate among all.

5. Identify the most likely tone of the poet in the lines- ‘To say that for destruction ice/Is also great’. a) sarcastic

b) serious

c) amused

d) celebratory


a) sarcastic

CBE-based Short Questions

Q1.In 20-30 words, compare the theme of the poem 'fire and Ice' with the poet's tone.

Ans: The theme of the poem is that of destruction and the end of the world, which is a grim subject. The tone of the poem however, does not refelect this seriousness and is conversational and assertive.

Q2. In the poem 'Fire and Ice' which literary device are fire and ice examples of ? Explain why the poet uses them.

Ans: In the poem fire and ice are examples of symbolism. The poet uses them as they paint a vivid picture of destruction in our minds. We can easily imagine humanity being desroyed by raging fires as well as extreme winters. The symbols help the poet to create a lasting impression of emotions like desire and hate, which are difficult to visualise by themselves.

Q3. Fire and Ice projects a pessimistic outlook. Comment.

Indeed, "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost can be seen as projecting a pessimistic outlook. The poem explores the destructive potential of desire (fire) and hatred (ice), suggesting that these powerful emotions have the capacity to bring about the end of the world. The pessimism arises from several aspects of the poem:

1. The Theme of Destruction: The central theme of the poem revolves around destruction and the end of the world. By focusing on the negative and potentially catastrophic consequences of desire and hatred, Frost presents a bleak vision of humanity's future.

2. Extremity of Emotions: The poem emphasizes the extreme nature of desire and hatred. Fire and ice are both powerful elements that can consume and destroy. By portraying these emotions as all-consuming and overpowering, Frost suggests that the negative aspects of human nature hold greater influence than the positive.

3. Inevitability of Destruction: The poem presents the question of how the world will end, implying that destruction is inevitable. This notion of inevitability contributes to the pessimistic tone, suggesting that human nature is ultimately doomed to lead to destruction, regardless of the path taken.

4. Lack of Redemption: The poem does not offer any hope or redemption in the face of the destructive forces it portrays. It does not provide an alternative or a way to counteract the negative aspects of human nature. This absence of hope contributes to the overall pessimistic outlook of the poem.

However, it is important to note that while "Fire and Ice" may project a pessimistic outlook, it also serves as a cautionary reminder. By highlighting the destructive potential of desire and hatred, the poem prompts readers to reflect on their own actions and emotions. It serves as a call for self-awareness and the recognition of the potential consequences of unchecked desires and negative emotions.

Q2. The tone of the speaker contrasts with the seriousness of the subject matter. Justify

Ans: In "Fire and Ice," the tone of the speaker indeed contrasts with the seriousness of the subject matter, which contributes to the poem's overall impact. Here's a justification for this statement:

1. Conciseness and Brevity: The speaker's tone is concise and brief, using only nine lines to address a weighty subject like the end of the world. This brevity creates a sense of understatement and downplays the magnitude of the topic at hand. The short and straightforward lines contribute to a matter-of-fact tone that seems almost casual or nonchalant.

2. Absence of Emotional Intensity: The speaker's tone lacks emotional intensity or a sense of personal investment in the subject matter. There is a certain detachment or detachment in the way the speaker presents the ideas. This detachment is reflected in the objective language and the absence of personal pronouns, giving the impression that the speaker is merely an observer or commentator rather than someone deeply affected by the impending destruction.

3. Lack of Moral Judgment: The speaker adopts a neutral and impartial stance, presenting desire and hatred as two equally destructive forces. There is no moral judgment or explicit condemnation of these emotions. This absence of moralizing or passionate language further contributes to the detached and unemotional tone of the speaker.

4. Matter-of-Fact Questioning: The speaker poses the question of how the world will end as a simple and matter-of-fact inquiry. The straightforwardness of the question, without any sense of urgency or despair, contrasts with the gravity of the subject matter. It suggests a sense of detachment or philosophical contemplation rather than an emotional response.

By presenting the serious subject matter with a detached and matter-of-fact tone, the poem generates a tension between the weight of the topic and the seemingly casual or objective manner in which it is addressed. This contrast creates a thought-provoking effect on the readers, as it invites them to consider the profound implications of the destruction presented in the poem while questioning the speaker's apparent detachment.

Q3. Evaluate the line- Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice- in the context of volcanic eruptions, forest fires, meteor collisions, melting ice caps etc.

The line "Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice" from "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost can be evaluated in the context of natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, meteor collisions, and melting ice caps. Here's an evaluation of the line in relation to these examples:

1. Volcanic Eruptions: Volcanic eruptions are associated with fire due to the presence of lava, molten rocks, and volcanic ash. The line can be seen as capturing the destructive power of volcanic eruptions and how they can potentially lead to the end of the world. The intense heat and catastrophic consequences associated with volcanic activity align with the notion of fire as a destructive force.

2. Forest Fires: Forest fires are often caused by a combination of heat, dry conditions, and combustible materials. They can spread rapidly, consuming vast areas of vegetation and causing significant damage. In the context of the line, forest fires can be viewed as a manifestation of fire's destructive potential, contributing to the idea that the world could end through the uncontrolled spread of flames.

3. Meteor Collisions: Meteor collisions with Earth can generate tremendous heat upon impact, leading to widespread devastation. The release of energy from such collisions can result in massive fires, shockwaves, and environmental disruptions. The mention of fire in the line can be associated with the catastrophic consequences of meteor collisions and their potential to cause widespread destruction.

4. Melting Ice Caps: The reference to ice in the line can be linked to the melting ice caps and the broader issue of climate change. As global temperatures rise, the melting of polar ice caps can have severe consequences, including rising sea levels, habitat destruction, and disruptions to ecosystems. The line implies that the melting of ice could be another path leading to the end of the world, highlighting the environmental impact of human activities.

In the context of these natural phenomena, the line emphasizes the potential for both fire and ice-related events to contribute to the destruction of the world. It broadens the interpretation of fire and ice beyond metaphorical representations of desire and hatred, encompassing tangible examples of destructive forces in the natural world.

Q4. How are fire and ice contrasted to convey human emotions?

In "Fire and Ice," Robert Frost contrasts fire and ice to convey human emotions, specifically desire and hatred. Here's how the poem utilizes the contrasting elements to represent these emotions:

1. Intensity vs. Coldness: Fire is associated with intense heat, passion, and desire. It symbolizes the burning intensity of human emotions and the fervent pursuit of desires. Fire represents the impulsive, consuming, and often uncontrollable nature of desire. It signifies the powerful force that can drive individuals to act without restraint.

On the other hand, ice represents coldness, indifference, and a lack of warmth. It symbolizes the absence of passion and connection, embodying the icy detachment that can result from hatred. Ice represents the emotional distance and apathy that can occur when negative emotions take hold.

2. Consuming vs. Freezing: Fire consumes everything in its path, leaving destruction in its wake. It is depicted as a force that can devour and engulf, leaving nothing but ashes behind. This imagery highlights the all-consuming nature of desire and the potential for it to lead to destruction.

In contrast, ice freezes and immobilizes. It halts the natural flow and movement of things, representing the stagnation and rigidity that can arise from hatred. The image of ice freezing suggests a loss of vitality and the potential for relationships to become cold and lifeless.

3. Impulsivity vs. Indifference: Fire is often associated with impulsive actions driven by desire, symbolizing the intensity of emotions that can lead individuals to act without considering the consequences. It represents the passionate and impulsive side of human nature.

In contrast, ice conveys a sense of indifference and emotional detachment. It suggests a lack of empathy and a coldness that can arise from hatred. Ice symbolizes the emotional barriers that can form when negative feelings overpower compassion and understanding.

By contrasting fire and ice, the poem presents a dichotomy between the consuming intensity of desire and the freezing detachment of hatred. This juxtaposition highlights the extremes of human emotions and the potential consequences when they are not balanced or tempered. The contrasting elements serve to underscore the destructive capacity of both desire and hatred, emphasizing the need for moderation and self-awareness in managing our emotions.

Q5. Explain the use of imagery and symbolism in 'Fire and Ice'.

In "Fire and Ice," Robert Frost effectively employs imagery and symbolism to enhance the meaning and impact of the poem. Here's an explanation of the use of imagery and symbolism in the poem:

1. Imagery of Fire: The imagery of fire creates a vivid and sensory depiction of desire and passion. It evokes images of flames, heat, and intense energy. The image of fire conveys the idea of something all-consuming, destructive, and powerful. It represents the burning intensity of human emotions and desires, highlighting their potential to bring about chaos and devastation.

2. Imagery of Ice: The imagery of ice invokes a sense of coldness, stillness, and detachment. It paints a picture of something frozen, rigid, and devoid of warmth. The image of ice suggests emotional distance, indifference, and a lack of compassion. It represents the chilling effects of hatred and negative emotions, illustrating how they can freeze relationships, extinguish love, and create a sense of isolation.

3. Symbolism of Fire: Fire symbolizes desire, passion, and intense emotions. It represents the impulsive and consuming nature of human desires, driving individuals to pursue their wants relentlessly. The symbolism of fire conveys the destructive potential of uncontrolled desires, emphasizing how they can lead to ruin and chaos.

4. Symbolism of Ice: Ice symbolizes hatred, coldness, and indifference. It represents the absence of warmth, compassion, and human connection. The symbolism of ice conveys the emotional barriers that can form when negative feelings overpower empathy and understanding. It signifies the destructive power of hatred and its ability to freeze relationships and extinguish love.

5. Symbolic Opposition: The contrasting symbolism of fire and ice in the poem creates a dichotomy between desire and hatred. Fire and ice symbolize two opposing emotional forces and their destructive capacities. They represent the extremes of human emotions and serve as metaphors for the potential dangers of unchecked desires and negative emotions.

Through the use of vivid imagery and symbolic representations, "Fire and Ice" effectively captures the essence of desire and hatred, exploring their destructive nature and the potential consequences they can have on individuals and societies. The imagery and symbolism in the poem enrich the reader's understanding of these emotions and their impact on the world.

For explanation and CBE-Questions of the poem Dust of Snow, Click here

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