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For 2025 Board Exam
CBSE Competency Based Questions:

Article Writing | English Core | Class XII

Writer's picture: Monotosh DeyMonotosh Dey

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

CBSE Marking Scheme:

  • Article/ Report Writing_ descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs.

  • Word Limit: 120-150 words.

  • One out of the two ( article or report ) given questions to be answered.

Distribution of Marks

  • Format : 1

  • Content : 2

  • Expression : 2

What is an Article?

An Article is a piece of writing on a specific topic forming an independent opinion expressed by a writer. It is the most advanced form of writing which presents information in a variety of theme.

Points to Remember

1. Give an appropriate Title - Write the Heading/Title at the top with the writer's name

a) First letter of every word capital e.g. Pollution A Menace

b) Eye catching

c) Should give crisp idea of theme

2. Mention writer's name

3. In case of news paper article give date & place

4. Divide the article into three parts i.e. split your subject matter into 3-4 paragraphs

Part-1 – Introduction beginning - mention briefly the status of the issue use stating facts or quotation do around in the middle

Part-2 – Analyse the topic in terms of types / kinds

  • Causes and effect

  • Problem (if any)

  • Consequences

  • Positive / Negative effects

  • Related Information / Statistical date

  • Implications - social / environmental / psychological / health

  • related.

Part 3 – Conclusion- suggestions / remedial measures / reminders / compare and contrast

5. Organise the ideas in a logical orders, with systematic presentation

6. Predictions and personal observations maybe included

7. Pay attention to grammatical accuracy and good use of vocabulary

8. Use sentence linkers to ensure continuity - e.g. Consequently similarly, 'finally' moreover' etc..

9. Word limit 150 to 200 words.

10. Create rough work – First jot all the ideas, second make sequence and third join all the ideas with linkers and cohesive words.

11. For good article writing, it is important to read/ speak, listen to radio shows, panel discussions, explore latest live data, newspaper and do consistent sharing of day to day experiences.

Sample Articles:


By Shilpi

What a piece of work is Man!

How noble in reason!

How infinite in faculties!

Inform and moving, how expressive and admirable!

In action, how like an angel!

In apprehension, how like a God

The beauty of the world!

The paragon of animals.

Shakespeare's evocation of the infinite faculties of man, represents full faith of his age in man's ability to scale the height of thought, love and beauty. It is an obvious fact that the essence of all human relationship is basically founded upon the presence or absence of values. It is unfortunate that in today's world there is a gradual erosion of the values among people. It is depressing to see the newspaper early in the morning to witness various murders and rape cases. People are just fulfilling their desires and needs. They forget their values and duties towards society and country. If they see an accident nobody wants to touch the injured person.

Modern generation Children learn to smoke believing that it is just another habit like existing. They learn to drink convincing themselves that it is good for their health. They learn to cheat, thinking that they can bring about great performance at the end. They believe that there is nothing wrong in filling a divorce and pushing children in orphanages and old parents to old age


The need of the hour is to inculcate moral values among our students. Our elderly people who live a life of simplicity and contentment with a generous, kind and compassionate mind can inculcate good values by regularly taking them to place of meditation where these children can learn to remain focused and goal oriented. Spending quality time with growing children,

constant adult supervision can do wonders in changing the mindset of children.

So it is in the hands of individual to focus upon a real change in order to live better, to lead a happy, peaceful and contended life just like our ancestors did and we can make the world a better place to live, in so that posterity can echo Shakespeare's words.

How any godly creatures are there?

How beauteous mankind is!

O brave new world

That hath such people in it.

Sample Q2.

Make in India’ an initiative by government of India. It intends to create employment for the youth of India and help brings best practices to Indian business. Write an article in about 150-200 words for a business magazine on its impact to create employment for the youth of India. You are Neha.


By Neha


Make in India is the name of the initiative by government of India to give more incentive to business (both in India and abroad) to manufacture goods (eg: automobiles) in Indian shores. To lure businesses to set shop in India, government of India plans to cut excessive formality and routine which involves setting a business in India.

Goals of Make in India :

Make in India intends to create employment for the youth of India and help bring best practices to Indian business. The initiative also aims at high quality standards and minimising the impact on the environment. The initiative hopes to attract capital and technological investment in India.

Impact :

Already we observe that India’s rank in ease-in-doing business has improved. Further, manufacturing sector has seen an upswing with key sectors such as defence seeing huge participation from foreign investors.


'Make in India’s success lies in making the small and medium enterprises foster. Thus, 'Make in India' should not only focus on big business but also to the neglected small and medium enterprises (SMEs) so that rural India can reap the benefit as much as the developed parts of India. Further, domestic business must be protected from big multi national chains, so that

an equitable growth is ensured at all fronts.

Sample Q3

Example: Now a days Teenagers are loosing track of the real world and are getting immersed in the virtual world of internet. Write an article in 150- 200 words on Effect of Internet on Teenagers. Your are Namita/Navin of Sarvodaya Vidyalaya.

Effect of Internet on Teenagers

By Namita/Navin

We live in an era where internet has percolated our very essence of life. So be it the smartphones or laptops, one has access to the internet which gives access to all kinds of information that can be used fruitfully as well as in a destructive manner.

Out of all the people who use internet for fulfilling their everyday needs, requirements as well as entertainment purposes, teenagers are often seen to be the biggest contributors to the use of internet. These teenagers often fall prey to cyber bullying, cyber crimes and at the very least, these teenagers lose track of the real world and get immersed in this vast ocean of internet. Not only do their grades suffer, but they also incur a severe dent on their personal and mental well being too.

Awareness programmes should be run at school level while parents must put in concerned efforts to sensitize their young children on the perils of internet and its excessive usage. It is prudent to monitor the search history of teenagers so that parents may gauge if their kid is using the net for the right purposes or not. Emphasis should be given on real life interactions and friendships while keeping internet social networking to its minimal best.

For Practice:

Q4. Education doesn't mean only providing degree. Schools play an important role to inculcate moral values in students. Using the following verbal inputs write an article in 150-200 words on the topic "Value Education in School." You are Meera/Manoj.

Value Points

• education must be value based.

• part of the curriculum in schools education compulsory upto

secondary level

• value education remains distant dream

• young boys and girls going astray-reduced to walking computers.

• material prosperity-only aim of life

• cable TVs demand pollutes young minds negatively

• need for morals education-value based education-build-character

and morals.

• steps taken in school-Assembly-5 mins talk regarding importance

of moral and values in life.

• Special prizes awarded to-most disciplined student, well behaved

student, integrity Club, Guest lectures, etc.

Q5. You are Vipin / Vineeta. You have just visited a glass factory which employs children. You have witnessed the awful condition of the children there and their place of work. You also recount the child labourers engaged in carpet and cracker industry, brick-kilns, road side restaurants and as domestic helps. Inspite of strict laws you find it appalling that many people in educated society want the practice of child labourers to continue to fulfil their selfish motives. Write an article in about 150–200 words advocating a total ban on child labour.

Suggested Value Points

Para I : Introduction :

  • Children below the age of 14 engaged in various types of work in homes, hotels. garages and factories.

  • Millions of children work as child labourers and are devoid of

  • school education.

Para II Cause : Poverty is one of the main causes, other causes are –

  • Parents illiterate,

  • they are paid less wages,

  • educated people, upper & middle class engage child labourers for their help.

  • Laws are not so strict etc.

Para III Effect : Working conditions in their place of work is pathetic.

  • It results in their poor health.

  • Become victims of asthma, high blood pressure, poor eyesight,

  • even becomes blind.

  • Work in dingy cells without proper oxygen

  • Fall in bad habits of smoking and drugs.

Para IV : Suggestions

  • Laws should be strictly enforced

  • Serve punishments by law to the employers

  • Joint efforts :– public awareness through media.

Suggested Topics for Article Writing

  • Brain Drain

  • Value Education

  • Gender Inequality

  • Cyber World (Boon or Bane)

  • Importance of Sports

  • Print Media or News Channel – Advantages Children Learn What

  • they Live with.

  • COVID-19 and its impact on school education.

(Some more topics will be added soon. Keep visiting the website & write your feedback on chatbox/ comment section below) .


Directorate of Education GNCT of Delhi, Delhi Government


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