Monotosh Dey

3 min

Email Writing Worksheet

Write the following emails by expanding the hints given within word limits.

1. You are Prakhar/Pooja. You are on an adventurous trip to Kul u Manali and Rohtang Pass. Write an e-Mail in about 120 words to your cousin Prateek/Muskan describing how you are enjoying your trip. You may use the following hints.

  • a trip/excursion

  • enjoyed shopping

  • exciting moments amidst nature.

  • trekking/skiing/having fun with snow

2. You have just a seen a bus hitting a tree. Last week you were also caught in similar situation. The bus you were travelling in suddenly hit a tree and caught fire. Write an email to your friend describing the experience in 120-150 words. Take help of the following points

  • unexpected arrival of truck

  • brakes failed

  • hit tree

  • caught fire

  • how you felt

  • other passengers

  • pathetic scene

  • relief and rescue work

3. You are Sumit Verma. Write an email in 120-150 words to a friend Ram using the notes given below, telling him about the dangers of drug addiction. Give him some catchy warnings too.

4. SOLAR 777, developed by Samsung ; is powered by solar energy. Fortunately , on your last birthday you were gifted by your uncle this new cell phone. Write an email in about 120 – 150 words to a friend describing the phone and its features.

5. You are Rohit/Ruhani. You have made a new friend John/Maria on a social networking site. Write an email to him/her in about 150 words describing your family, hobbies and the Ranthambore National Park you visited last month.

  • members of your family/status

  • hobbies – travelling/making friends/painting

  • Visit to Ranthambore one of the finest wildlife parks over Ramganga river

  • exciting elephant rides

6. Examinations are near and majority of your classmates feel the need for some extra classes. Write an e-mail to your Principal requesting him to arrange extra classes. Use the hints and format given below. ( 120-150 words)

  • reason why you feel the need for extra classes

  • subjects to be taught in extra classes

  • number of days

7. The cricket crazy people watch cricket matches with a passion. We see that the IPL cricket has not only opened avenues for cricketers but is enjoyed by the public as well. You are Anand or Anandita who feels that it is a sheer waste of our precious time and money. You decide to share your views with your friend Arpit who is a fan of the game. Write an e-mail making him realize that he should concentrate more on the studies and should not be crazy for cricket matches.

8. You are Raman/Roma. Write an e-mail to the health officer expressing your views on problems caused by street dogs in your colony in about 150 words. You can take help from the hints given below:-

  • Frequent dog bites

  • disease like rabies, painful injections

  • haunted by fear

  • very unsafe at night

  • immediate steps to curb menace of stray dogs for quieter and safer life.

Q9. Your grandmother plans to go to Delhi to stay with your uncle. Since your grandmother is travelling all alone for the first time. Write an e-mail in about 150 words to your uncle requesting him to receive her at the station and make necessary arrangements. Use the given hints.

  • grandmother – travelling all alone – AP Express

  • reaching Delhi on May 13 at 4 pm.

  • arrangements for her to visit some holy places there.

Q10. Your school recently organized a blood donation camp. You were one of the volunteers at the camp. Write an e-mail to your friend describing your experience ; (150 words)

  • date of camp, organized by Interact Club

  • volunteers made posters to spread awareness

  • special talk during assembly by doctor

  • chief guest – renowned cardiologist, Dr. Trehan

  • student donors 17 years and above, parents , old students

  • mouth watering refreshments, camp a success

Q11. You have travelled by the metro for the first time. Write an e -mailto your friend sharing your excitement and feelings. You can use the following clues. (120 words)

  • First metro ride – underground station – nervousness

  • Buying the token – orderly queues

  • Metro ride – description

  • How you felt ?

  • Reached destination – saved time – sense of safety

Q12. You are Priya/Parth of 52-B, Sector-9, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi. You read an article in a national daily about „Women Empowerment‟. Write an e-mail to the editor expressing your personal views on the subject in 120 words. You can use the hints given below.

( To be continued). Keep visiting the site.
